Hi you guys!!
SO much has happened since our last blog post! We're so thankful for how much God has provided for us. We're now in Turin with the rest of the team, and going into the 4th day of English Bible camp tomorrow (: a quick recap on all the things that we did these past 2.5 weeks --
5/28 left for Europe on our honeymoon!
5/29-6/1 Iceland -- driving around icelandic wilderness & finding random waterfalls & eating gas station sandwiches (lol) (we had no food in Iceland)
6/2-6/4 Paris -- <3 10/10 would visit again
6/3-6/7 Positano, Italy -- the most beautiful city on the edge of a mountain off the Almafi Coast! The city is filled with pastel-colored buildings, bougainvillea, and the best food.
6/8-6/10 Florence -- my favorite! So fun to be back with a HUSBAND & wander around the italian streets and just people-watching and eat (again) sandwiches.
6/11 Met up with the rest of the team in TURIN! (: Finally after two weeks in Europe we arrived in Turin to meet Bonnie, and also Joel, Hernan, Kellie, and Jackie from Faith Bible Church.
So excited for what the Lord is doing during our time here! The Spitale family has taken such good care of us, opening up their home to us, and feeding us SO well. We are getting to know the kids and trusting that God is using Raffaelle to preach the Gospel to them each day during the lesson time. Each morning we start with singing songs from Jana Alayra (if you don't know her, she's a VBS popstar) and then going in to a sermon based on the verse of the day. After that we do memory competitions with the same verses, and play field games with the kids. We're getting the know the kids more each day, and although the language barrier has been hard, we already love them so much! More updates & photos of our kids to come soon <3 Ciaooo
Prayer requests:
- That the Gospel that is preached everyday would take root & grow into saving faith in the children's hearts. The Raffaelle would speak the truth bodly and clearly
- That the love of Christ would be shown through us to the children, and also just for energy to keep up, and for our health.
- That God would strengthen the local missionaries, the Spitales, to persevere in their ministry and grow their church in Turin.
lastly, some honeymoon photos! --